What is OAB?
Overactive bladder is a condition characterised by urgency (the urgent need to void), frequency (voiding many times in the day) and in many cases incontinence (leaking urine). Urinary incontinence is caused by involuntary contraction of the bladder muscle (the detrusor muscle) during filling.
Many worldwide studies have shown that 16 – 17% of the population over 40 have symptoms of Overactive Bladder, and here in Australia we believe we have approximately 900,000 patients who have incontinence due to OAB.
OAB and incontinence impacts on a patient’s life significantly with feelings of depression, low self esteem, reduced social interaction and limitations or cessation of physical activities due to their incontinence.
What causes OAB?
There is no known cause of overactive bladder. Some healthcare professionals will refer to OAB as idiopathic which means: arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause.
Treatments for OAB
Your GP can refer you to specialists who are formally trained in treating OAB, such as a Urologist or a Urogynaecologist. Treatments for overactive bladder include behavioural therapy (e.g. reducing intake of fluids and bladder retraining), pharmacotherapy (anticholinergic medicines), injectable muscle relaxant and nerve stimulation.